영남대학교 의과대학 졸업
영남대학교 의과대학 의학 석사취득
영남대학교 의료원 인턴 및 안과 전공의 수료
2013 한중일 안과학회 우수강연선정
2012 아시아태평양녹내장학회
Honorable-mention poster 선정
울진군의료원 안과 과장
영남대학교 의료원 녹내장 전임의
제일안과병원 녹내장 진료과장 및 전공의 수련부장
National Eye Center of Singapore, 녹내장 연수
University of China, HongKong, 녹내장 연수
대한안과학회 정회원
한국녹내장학회 정회원
한국백내장굴절수술학회 정회원
미국안과학회 회원 (International member of American Academy of Ophthalmology)
미국굴절학회 회원(International Society of Refractive Surgery)
네이버 지식iN 답변의사
Lee TY, Kim MM. Clinical Characteristics of Accommodative Esotropia with Successful Wearing out of Glasses.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2007 Dec 048(12): 1699-1705.
Lee TY, Lee JH, Cha SC. Trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C versus Ahmed Valve Implantation in Pseudophakic Glaucomatous Eyes.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2008 Feb 049(02): 293-302.
Lee TY, Yu S, Kim JH, Lee JW, Lee KW. Seasonal Variations of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma in Patients Visiting the Hospital.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012 Nov 053(11): 1637-1641.
Lee JW, Kim EJ, Lee TY, Lee KW. Comparison of Efficacy and Safety between Superior 180 Degree and Inferior 180 Degree Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012 Nov 053(11): 1642-1648.
Kim JH, Lee TY (교신저자), Lee JW, Lee KW. Comparison of the Thickness of the Lamina Cribrosa and Vascular Factors in Early Normal-tension Glaucoma with Low and High Intraocular Pressures.
J Korean Ophthalmol. 2014 Dec;28(6):473-478.
Yu S, Lee KW, Lee TY (교신저자). Measurement of deep optic nerve complex structures with two spectral domain optical coherence tomography instruments.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015
Kim YI, Kim JH, Lee TY (교신저자), Lee KY. Efficacy and Safety of Glaucoma Patients' Switch from a 2% Dorzolamide/0.5% Timolol Fixed-Combination Brand-Name Drug to Its Generic Counterpart.
J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Jul-Aug:31 (6):335-9.
Kim YI, Lee TY, Lee KY, Kim JS. Lamina Cribrosa Thickness in the Fellow Eyes of Patients with Unilateral Retinal Vein Occlusion.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015;56(11):1736-1741.
영남대학교 의과대학 졸업
영남대학교 의과대학 의학 석사취득
영남대학교 의료원 인턴 및 안과 전공의 수료
2013 한중일 안과학회 우수강연선정
2012 아시아태평양녹내장학회
Honorable-mention poster 선정
울진군의료원 안과 과장
영남대학교 의료원 녹내장 전임의
제일안과병원 녹내장 진료과장 및 전공의 수련부장
National Eye Center of Singapore, 녹내장 연수
University of China, HongKong, 녹내장 연수
대한안과학회 정회원
한국녹내장학회 정회원
한국백내장굴절수술학회 정회원
미국안과학회 회원 (International member of American Academy of Ophthalmology)
미국굴절학회 회원(International Society of Refractive Surgery)
네이버 지식iN 답변의사
Lee TY, Kim MM. Clinical Characteristics of Accommodative Esotropia with Successful Wearing out of Glasses.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2007 Dec 048(12): 1699-1705.
Lee TY, Lee JH, Cha SC. Trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C versus Ahmed Valve Implantation in Pseudophakic Glaucomatous Eyes.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2008 Feb 049(02): 293-302.
Lee TY, Yu S, Kim JH, Lee JW, Lee KW. Seasonal Variations of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma in Patients Visiting the Hospital.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012 Nov 053(11): 1637-1641.
Lee JW, Kim EJ, Lee TY, Lee KW. Comparison of Efficacy and Safety between Superior 180 Degree and Inferior 180 Degree Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2012 Nov 053(11): 1642-1648.
Kim JH, Lee TY (교신저자), Lee JW, Lee KW. Comparison of the Thickness of the Lamina Cribrosa and Vascular Factors in Early Normal-tension Glaucoma with Low and High Intraocular Pressures.
J Korean Ophthalmol. 2014 Dec;28(6):473-478.
Yu S, Lee KW, Lee TY (교신저자). Measurement of deep optic nerve complex structures with two spectral domain optical coherence tomography instruments.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015
Kim YI, Kim JH, Lee TY (교신저자), Lee KY. Efficacy and Safety of Glaucoma Patients' Switch from a 2% Dorzolamide/0.5% Timolol Fixed-Combination Brand-Name Drug to Its Generic Counterpart.
J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Jul-Aug:31 (6):335-9.
Kim YI, Lee TY, Lee KY, Kim JS. Lamina Cribrosa Thickness in the Fellow Eyes of Patients with Unilateral Retinal Vein Occlusion.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015;56(11):1736-1741.